In the Saddle with  Hillary Pierce

In the Saddle with  Hillary Pierce

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In the Saddle with
Hillary Pierce
Documentary Filmmaker

Today, we're in the saddle with Hillary Pierce, an Emmy winning documentary filmmaker.


We followed Hillary and her sidekick Wiley though the magical grounds of El Cosmico in Marfa. We soaked up the beautiful West Texas sunset as she shared about set life on some of the compelling documentaries she has contributed to.

Pierce floats between Austin and Marfa and has spent the better part of the last decade producing feature documentaries in Texas, including TOWER, A SONG FOR YOU: THE AUSTIN CITY LIMITS STORY and THE RIVER AND THE WALL. She most recently produced AT THE READY, premiering at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.

We loved hearing about her passion for telling important stories and what’s important to her in a boot. She’s drawn to a classic brown boot and our Sophie was a great fit!


I am loving the Sophie, because they're beautiful! I can wear them on set or while I'm riding. I can even dress them up for an evening out.

— Hillary Pierce


Hillary is one talented woman and it was incredible to experience a day in Marfa from her perspective.

We think Sophie is an instant classic; light, lovely and perfect for a creative on the move like Hillary!

Old Gringo Women's


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